Religion is a strong belief in power or powers that control human destiny. Religion and Education are seemingly two different roads in the present day scenario. But religion is as much a part of education as education is a part of religion. Yet both are distant from each other when it comes to the modern day system of education. The fact is that Religion itself is an education and education has been influenced by Religion in more than one way.
Importance of Religious Society:
- One of the most common importance of Religious teachings is that it helps students understand the place of various religions in our society. It helps them resolve the important questions of their own inner self and this understanding contributes to a more just and cohesive society.
- Religious education in any school should not simply be a subject making up a proportion of the taught curriculum. It needs to pervade a congenial environment in the school. Such an environment is not just good for the school but also for the society as a whole as well primarily because students are themselves the propagators of moral values and these are the values that are the most valued and cherished for the quality of relationships amongst the whole humanity.
- By listening and responding to stories from religious traditions, students are assimilating it as part of their personal, social and emotional development. They have opportunities to take part in celebrations and special events whilst using their understanding in communication, language and literacy. Utilising artefacts, music, stories and art from varying cultures helps them in increasing their knowledge and understanding of the world as they ask questions about religion, culture and worship and develop attitudes of curiosity and respect.
- It introduces students to different cultures and religions through various learnings about stories, people, places and times of special importance, and artefacts and beliefs that are part of modern life and society. Students are encouraged to respond sensitively to all religions, traditions and cultures, using their imagination and sense of wonder. Their study of faiths develops an appropriate, secular view of the world and a religious community with a significant local presence.
- Students continue to learn about the faiths and cultures included in the syllabus through more systematic and thematic work. They investigate beliefs and practices in various principal religions, considering different forms of religious expression and learning about similarities and differences within and between religions and beliefs and the importance of dialogue between them.
- Students understanding of religions, cultures and beliefs in a local, national and global context deepens their understanding of various religions. Pupils develop an understanding of rights and responsibilities and consider the importance of interfaith dialogue as a response to tensions within and between religions and beliefs.
- Students deepen their analysis of religions and beliefs and of diversity, including the impact of beliefs on individuals, communities and societies at local, national and global levels.
- Religious teaching makes one a person who values diversity and who promotes multicultural understanding and respect. It enhances pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. This further makes them capable of applying the teachings of religious traditions and leaders to real-life situations and the study of human rights.
- Religious principles helps in promoting a multicultural and anti-racist environment thereby valuing diversity.