Kd's e-pathsala Introduction to Education Four Factors of Education

Four Factors of Education

Education is a dynamic process, which changes according to the changing societal needs. But, this “learning process” is made up of several components, where in the absence of any one factor the entire learning process collapses. This important factors called the Four Factors of Education.


Education process is made up of four such elements namely- student, teacher, curriculum and educational institutions. These are discussed in detail below-



Who is the student? This question comes first. A student is one who comes to study. A student is a human being. Education begins with the learner as no other component of education can be imagined without the students. That’s why it is the first and very important factor of education, without this factor the whole system is meaningless. In ancient times, education was the process of imparting knowledge to students and in modern times, education is the process of developing the inherent qualities of students. Current education should make all-out efforts to develop the student’s intelligence, interest, motivation, passion, enthusiasm, creativity, etc. The students continuously strive to learn through his behaviour, activity, judgement, experience, etc.



Parents are called the first guardian of the child and the teacher is called the second guardian. In the ancient Indian education system, the teacher or guru held a very high place in the education system. The role of the teacher at that time was also very different from today. A student’s life course and goal can never be completed without a teacher because education can never be complete without a teacher. The teacher knows whom to teach, what to teach, when to teach, how to teach.



An important factor of the education process is the Curriculum. The word ‘Curriculum’ comes from the Latin word “Currere” which literally means ‘Course to be run for reaching a certain goal’. Curriculum is an integrated form of pre-planning, learning experiences and life knowledge, imparted to students inside and outside of school.


Educational Institution

Another important factor of education is the Educational Institution. An educational institution is a combination of physical and human resources. Tangible components of educational institutions are furniture, rooms, drinking water system, library, canteen, teaching aids etc. And the human element of educational institutions are students, teachers and non-teaching staff etc. Educational institutions are developed to meet the needs of the society so as to organise the life of the individual in the society directly and indirectly the society is also organised. Educational institutions are the means by which students are largely prepared for the whole of life.


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